Thursday, January 16, 2014

The inaugural YM Ping Pong Tournament

With Jason's help, the YM acquired a ping pong table.  Well, we "broke it in" last week with the first, inaugural YM Ping Pong tournament.  Luckily, our reporter on the spot was there to capture the event.  We built a bracket and played it out (single elimination):

Damon & Davis 

 Damon & Gary (whose considerable Ping Pong skills were exposed...)

The final came down to Gary and Jason...

 Jason came out on top and got his prize (?)

The final bracket for the first round

We realized we had time for round 2 - some people had to leave so a few YW jumped in to fill the bracket
Ryan and Ayden (with some YW photobombing in the background)

 Siany and Jason

 It was an all-Rennaker final...

with Damon coming out on top (if he kissed his dad afterwards, it was not captured on film)

There will be additional tournaments...